Breaking silos

Morgan and Eddie address a listener's concern about navigating silos in a rapidly growing engineering team. They discuss how silos form, their impact on productivity, and various strategies to break them down, such as encouraging a culture of shared responsibility, emphasizing succession planning, and proactive knowledge transfer to mitigate silo formation and promote long-term team health. They also explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of having silos and emphasize the importance of alignment and organizational design in promoting efficient knowledge sharing and team productivity.

Topics discussed:
  • Understanding silos in organizations
  • The human element of silos
  • When silos might be beneficial
  • Breaking the addiction to low-hanging fruit
  • The role of leadership in managing silos
  • Practical steps to break silos
  • Knowledge sharing and team dynamics
  • Handling too many nodes in communication

Creators and Guests

Eddie Flaisler
Eddie Flaisler
Eddie is a classically-trained computer scientist born in Romania and raised in Israel. His experience ranges from implementing security systems to scaling up simulation infrastructure for Uber’s autonomous vehicles, and his passion lies in building strong teams and fostering a healthy engineering culture.
Morgan VanDerLeest
Morgan VanDerLeest
Trying to make software engineering + leadership a better place to work. Dad. Book nerd. Pleasant human being.
Breaking silos
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